Just when you assume you know everything……

Posted on June 19th, 2007 in Camps,Hobby News,What's Its by dhoffard

I’ve been researching Illinois related Scouting since I was 15 years old and I just turned 37 the other day so I’ve been at it for quite awhile. I’d not heard of a camp or trail for any Illinois council that I was previously unaware of for a long long time. Well just the past couple weeks I’ve seen something from one of each.

First is a camp brochure I spotted on eBay from Camp Dunlap out of the Danville Council, Danville, IL. And to add insult to injury, I didn’t even know they were called by that name so late. I thought it was Piankeshaw Council before 1935. Camp was located in Indiana but obviously was the camp of this Council in Illinois if you read the brochure:


Second is a brochure from a Troop operated trail in Abraham Lincoln Council that I’ve never heard of before. It was called the Lincoln-Douglas Heritage Trail, located near Jacksonville, IL. And what’s even crazier is that they talk about a first day patch, a regular patch, and even a medal so there’s cool memorabilia from this thing:


Click on the picture of the trail brochure and you’ll get a larger version, it posted small for some reason.

Just goes to show you, nobody knows everything, even me. That makes me sad, I thought I might……..

Destry the Non-Guru

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  1. Bob Sherman said,

    on June 23rd, 2017 at 8:02 am

    John Hoffman sent me the link to the Camp Dunlap brochure on your site. I believe the camp was run by Piankeshaw Council and NOT Danville Council in 1935. Danville Council was a Second Class Council that operated from 1918-20. However Piankeshaw Council was founded in 1926 and was headquartered in Danville which is how I believe the booklet mistakenly used as the name of the Council. However, I was not aware of the camp name and will add it to The Camp Book 2 version 3.0.

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