We’re back live

Posted on March 29th, 2007 in General Commentary on Life by bshelley

For several years we maintained a blog but it got hacked by Russian spam-masters and our ISP took it down. Many have asked me to re-instate a blog because they enjoyed some of the finds we’ve made over the years. Well, hopefully with better software now we can re-start blogging. I’ve been told I can import my old blog in but I’ll have to see how to do this.

Also, this software makes it easier for folks to add comments. We can all learn from each other.

This site is for and about the hobby of collecting Boy Scout and Girl Scout memorabilia. The Scout Patch Auction is the largest dealer of Scouting memorabilia and have been for more than a decade. Although we specialize in rare and premium Scouting collectibles, we try to offer a broad range of items for all levels of collecting. Besides trying to develop greater knowledge and understanding of Scouting memorabilia, we want folks to have fun with their hobby. Hopefully we are a part of that. Please let us know how we’re doing and what we can do better.


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