Camp Kamargo background New York

Posted on December 17th, 2003 in Camps by ramore

Here’s some camp history that I found interesting:

Kamp Kamargo was located approx. 1.75 hours North of Syracuse, NY on Lake Bonaparte (Off NYS Rt.3). The camp operated from 1921-1946 and was closed due to it’s inadequacies. Itwas only about 40 acres and had no privacy. The main road around the lake literally went right through camp. I am told that they had to stop traffic during Retreat. Additionally, the lake saw an ever increasing number of cottages popping up and with it, much riff-raff and partying that was not conducive to operating a Scout Camp.

In 1944(?), members of the Jefferson-Lewis Council learned of an opportunity to purchase property approx. 14 miles NE on Rt. 3, just inside the Adirondack Park boundary. Wheels of change were in motion to purchase property at Camp Portaferry. There was a series of 3 different purchases around the lake, a 40 acre lake which the current Hiawatha Seaway Council now owns 85% of the surrounding property. The camp made a much more suitable place (more room and more secluded).

There has been much speculation about the existence of an actual Kamp Kamargo patch (oral accounts comprised the only evidence) until July 2003 when I discovered that a Scout in the 1948 (or 1949) Camp Portaferry staff photo was clearly wearing both the new Camp Portaferry patch and his old Kamp Kamargo (closed at that time) patch.

6 Responses to 'Camp Kamargo background New York'

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  1. Tom McDermott said,

    on October 7th, 2012 at 11:47 am

    This is very interesting. I grew up in Northern NY and attended Portaferry for several summers. I have a nephew who recently earned his Eagle Scout and in going through my patch collection from the 70’s (to give him some of it) I found a Kamp Kamargo felt patch. I googled it as I was not familiar with it and found your post.

  2. ramore said,

    on October 7th, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Is it the same design? Could you send a picture?

  3. Roy said,

    on October 8th, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    Here’s a picture of the patch in color:

  4. Gary said,

    on November 13th, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    I have been searching for this patch for years it is the only camp patch from New York I do not have would you be willing to trade or sell this patch

  5. ramore said,

    on November 14th, 2012 at 3:51 am

    Not at this time. Thanks for asking though. One of the other commenters has the patch but I don’t know if he gave his e-mail.

  6. Margare Byers said,

    on November 4th, 2020 at 2:40 pm

    Was wondering how Portaferry Lake got its name. I live in Portaferry County Down Northern Ireland.
    Portaferry (from Irish Port a’ Pheire ‘landing place of the ferry’) is a small town at the southern end of the Ards Peninsula, near the Narrows at the entrance to Strangford Lough.  The Portaferry – Strangford Ferry service operates between the villages of Portaferry and Strangford, less than a mile apart.

    I was wondering if there was a connection. I cannot find any through my research. Would be grateful if anyone has any info.

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