Largest Scout Patch?

Posted on August 30th, 2005 in Hobby News by Roy

I’m not sure but the Tall Pine Council/lodge 218 patch issued for this jamboree may just be the largest Scout patch.

OA Lodge 218 patch - maybe the largest Scout patch

The 354 Mayi jacket patches were always considered huge and the felt Minsi lodge 5 jacket patches are pretty good size but I think this one takes the cake.

I don’t know how one collects/stores a patch this size. I hope they do not catch on. The only one really profiting from these are the patch manufacturers that sell by the inch or thread count.

Pricing an OA collection

Posted on August 22nd, 2005 in OA by dhoffard

Got this e-mail:

Patch Collection for Sale:

Dear Sir:

I have a collection of approx. 1500 flaps and duplicates of approx. 200 flaps that I wish to sell outright. To give you an idea of what I have (first I only collected a lodge that issued a flap sometime in their lodge lives), I need approx. 30 numbers to have a number set and approx. the same in names needs.

Could you possibly give me a ball park figure as to what you could possibly offer for this collection. I know without seeing the patches, it is tough and I will not hold you to the figure. I am checking with several dealers and the dealer who gives me the best ballpark figure will be the first ones that I will consider.

Thank you for your time.

Talk about not having much to go on. Still I was able to work something up based upon a rough dollar value for a “traditiona'” number set of $55,000.

What gets me to blog about this is that I’m NOT THAT INTERESTED IN SUCH A COLLECTION as described! It really isn’t that distinctive. It could have been put together at this jamboree and the associated TORs in one day. Actually, a better collection could have been put together at these events. I’m more interested in a collection that is deep on a given theme whether that’s a state or lodge or Vigil flaps or death flaps or ghost flaps or 75th anniversary of OA or what ever. A one per, unless you get into needing less than 10 items is really nothing to get excited about.

eBay Account Takeover

Posted on August 22nd, 2005 in Hobby News by Roy

Over the weekend we had our eBay account taken over by some scammers out of Italy (supposedly, probably not even from there.) They started sending out offers to sell iPods and motorcycles. Fortunately eBay caught on and changed our password (which was also a pain but not as bad as having scams get out there.) Not sure how this happens though. They tried to change our e-mail address but that was stopped.

Counting the Puerto Rico JSPs

Posted on August 11th, 2005 in Jamborees,JSP by dhoffard

Historically Puerto Rico Council’s JSPs have been one of the sought after JSPs at Jamborees. Limited supply and limited number of troops. I was sorting through some of the items I picked up and came across what I think is the 7th JSP from this council. They certainly traded these items as if it were times past when there were few patches but I’m thinking this time was different and that these patches were everywhere. It will be interesting to see the final tally for this council (at least interesting in that I’m not compulsive enough to try and get every issue.) It will certainly be a pain for those who do try to collect them all.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Department

Posted on August 11th, 2005 in General Commentary on Life,Hobby News,Jamborees by dhoffard

I heard from Jef Heckinger the other day that several people are e-mail flaming over the ISCA booth at the Jamboree. What’s unfortunate is that most if not all of these folks were not there nor provided support of the booth nor the year’s worth of contacts and expense to make this happen. What Jef DID do was:

Created one of the most popular exhibits/booths at the Jamboree that had 10,000s of thousands of visitors;
Signed up over 1,500 new e-mail members;
Signed up over 200 full members (i.e. paid members);
Was the envy of BSA professionals out of the National Office because of the traffic. And;
Showed off the hobby well.

This would not have happened if it weren’t for Jef. As it was, he worked more time at the booth than was expected because he gave up staff he arranged for the exhibit booth to the Collections merit badge (another ISCA supported effort) because they were under-staffed.

Why is it so easy for some folks to tear down others rather than build-up themselves?

9.000 to 17,000 in one week

Posted on August 7th, 2005 in Jamborees by dhoffard

The eBay Boy Scout listings were down to the low 9,000s this time last week. Now its over 17,000. They’re probably wondering what the heck’s up. The Jamboree category now has over 5,000 listings. ‘Nuff said.

Scouting History Website

Posted on August 7th, 2005 in BSA Info,Hobby News by dhoffard

Roger Schustereit of Texas forwarded on an interesting Scouting history web site:

Scouting Milestones

Roger tells us that David Scott of Dallas wrote the Seton section. Roger placed some very rare and early Scouting paper items including Seton’s resignation from the BSA and a letter from Baden-Powell to James West in 1912 when BP was touring the US promoting the Scouting movement.

Jambo worth it for collectors?

Posted on August 3rd, 2005 in Hobby Trends,Jamborees by dhoffard

I’m beginning to think that attending a Jamboree for a collector is no longer worth it. Going to the Jambo this time was good for me as I got to take my son and spend time with him. But, from a collecting stand point I’m not so sure it makes sense.

Sure, I know I made some bargain trades but it also cost a lot to attend. Plus, there’s the cost of time away from work. I was able to visit with many friends and customers but from a collecting stand point, I can pick up most if not all of the items later this fall or even through next year. With so many items out there, is any of it scarce?

I remember the lodge 27 guys coming into DC saying how rare and tough their gold border two-piece set was. They “only” made 83. Well, guys get a life. There are less than 83 collectors in the country who care. Therefore supply is greater than demand. Now, will it be a squirrelly issue to locate after the jamboree? Yes. Can it be found? Again, yes.

With eBay now, these items will be available if you look for them. It doesn’t matter what they cost, it will be cheaper than factoring in the cost, time and energy of going.

These times are a changing.

Posted on August 3rd, 2005 in Hobby Trends by dhoffard

I’m sorting away on patches. Now doing the OA flaps. We got only one (1) lodge 60 flap. This used to be one of those lodges that you would not take in trade even 1-for-1. There a lot of old collecting ads that say “willing to trade, except for 15, 60 and 307.” Must not be many collectors there these days.

National Jambo in Texas in 2010?

Posted on August 3rd, 2005 in BSA Info,Jamborees by dhoffard

There is active discussion that this was our last jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill. Someone has come forward to donate a significant parcel of land to the BSA for a permanent jamboree site in Texas. It sounds far fetched but in reality it isn’t.

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