No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Department

Posted on August 11th, 2005 in General Commentary on Life,Hobby News,Jamborees by dhoffard

I heard from Jef Heckinger the other day that several people are e-mail flaming over the ISCA booth at the Jamboree. What’s unfortunate is that most if not all of these folks were not there nor provided support of the booth nor the year’s worth of contacts and expense to make this happen. What Jef DID do was:

Created one of the most popular exhibits/booths at the Jamboree that had 10,000s of thousands of visitors;
Signed up over 1,500 new e-mail members;
Signed up over 200 full members (i.e. paid members);
Was the envy of BSA professionals out of the National Office because of the traffic. And;
Showed off the hobby well.

This would not have happened if it weren’t for Jef. As it was, he worked more time at the booth than was expected because he gave up staff he arranged for the exhibit booth to the Collections merit badge (another ISCA supported effort) because they were under-staffed.

Why is it so easy for some folks to tear down others rather than build-up themselves?

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