Kodak Camera Company and the Boy Scouts

Posted on July 6th, 2023 in Baden-Powell,Equipment by ramore

In the early years of Scouting here in the USA there was as good partnerships with major companies. Here is an example of a booklet Kodak Camera company published talking about what Scouts do (and how to use a Kodak camera while doing it.)

Cover for Proof Positive – A Kodak Story for Boy Scouts

The booklet is undated but given some of the pictures and that it features Baden-Powell I am thinking this is from BSA’s earliest years. It is quite likely from pre-1915 and may be from 1910 or 1911.

Back Cover of Proof Positive – A Kodak story for Boy Scouts

The 64 page booklet features B-P but also the photography merit badge. It has a “story” of a Scout named “Bulb” using their camera.

Kodak made BSA branded cameras in the early 1900s. We occasionally get them in but rarely complete with the case and cover. Here is an example though of one such that came through our hands. This was likely after the booklet was issued as the booklet does not show any BSA branded products.

Going forward post BSA’s bankruptcy, we need to look again at what companies that might make suitable partners. I am sure Kodak Co. is a reason Scouting was so strong in Rochester, NY.

One Response to 'Kodak Camera Company and the Boy Scouts'

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  1. Scott Wheeler said,

    on July 6th, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    Perfect example of using knowledge of the past to impact the present and future! Boy Scout Historian in action!! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!

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